We are value creators.
Our solutions have
a financial impact.

Our biotechnologies create ecological profit centres, transforming waste into valuable organic by-products through competitive value creation cycles.
We are biomimicry supporters.
Our solutions have a natural impact.
Our inspiration comes from complex natural systems which we imitate in our design to produce highly efficient, sustainable solutions with an innovative edge.
We are innovators.
Our solutions have an industrial impact.
Our robust biotechnologies are the result of rigorous, ongoing R&D and disruptive ideas that produce viable, long-term industrial solutions.
We are integrators.
Our solutions have a circular impact.
Our holistic approach gives rise to circular economy opportunities for raw materials, energy and services, creating profitable virtuous cycles.

Our state-of-the-art patented cleantech are designed for the efficient biological treatment and recycling of organic waste.

Creating value from waste
"If not managed properly, organic waste has negative environmental and economic impacts. Our biotechnologies not only treat waste efficiently, they also transform it into valuable renewable and organic products."

Efficient by design
"The simplicity of our ‘ready-made’, compact, modular design allows for the scalability of your on-site waste management project according to the growth of your business. Our innovative cleantech are designed to avoid obsolescence, ensuring our clients needs are met in a sustainable way."

An ecological profit centre
"Our biotechnologies cut waste management costs, release the embedded value of your waste and convert your natural capital into sustainable profits by producing biogas (a renewable energy), biofertilizer and liquid humic growth enhancer for organic agriculture."

Fast, simple implementation
"Our biodigesters and composters are designed as ISO containers easily shipped worldwide. With minimal civil works required, full installation, testing and commissioning is possible in 30 days. Technical support is provided to your staff managing the station."

Integrating our biotechnologies
"BioRgas™ anaerobic digesters and Orga-R™ composting stations, our patented technologies, work together in a closed loop approach to provide an all-in-one innovative solution. The biodigesters produce biogas and digestates, which are further processed by the composting station to produce solid biofertilizers and liquid humic growth enhancer."

The inspiration for the design of our biodigesters comes from the ruminant’s unique digestive system, with four metabolic phases and bioturbation between each phase.
BioRgas™ biodigesters can handle exceptional concentrations of total solids, have a small footprint, high biogenic ratios, and are available as compact, stand alone, full flat, or stacked, into 20' or 40' dimensions. They follow a piston type process allowing continuous feed and are always coupled with Orga-R™ composting equipment.


The design of our composters imitates deep forest soils, accumulating layers in a confined space and causing them to evolve during three successive and simultaneous levels of biological intensity.
Our Orga-R™ composters are in-vessel bioreactors equipped with automated forced ventilation systems and humidity controllers, enabling fast and efficient bio-oxidation. Our range includes CompWin™, a covered windrows station, CompBin™, an RO/RO skip station with mobile gantry loader, and CompSil™ silos for a continuous composting process and available as CompSil 20’ Tower, CompSil 20’ Stacked and CompSil 40' Stacked.

Meet the leadership team
Advisory Board

Contact us
672, rue du Mas de VerchantCS 37777
34967 Montpellier Cedex 2

JUA Group Ltd
Ebène Heights (4th Floor)
34 Cybercity, 72201 Ebène
Mauritius / Île Maurice

Mail : contact@jua.bio